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  • What is the procedure for registering my car in WheelDot?

Before you start registering your car on WheelDot, you should know that all vehicles are required to obtain a new insurance policy, which they can choose through the registration form. 4 insurance packages are provided. The owner chooses the package he is interested in and the company contacts him to issue a quote. In addition, it is mandatory that the current year's Road Taxes have been paid and the vehicle has passed the MOT without significant problems that could endanger the driver. You can see them steps to register a car in WheelDot by clicking here.

  • Why should I change my insurance?

Insuring your car is a mandatory step as it allows you to cover multiple drivers by paying a premium.

  • What kind of insurance can I do?

The insurance packages you can choose are Speed 1, Speed 2, Speed 3, Speed 4. After your registration you will be able to see the packages in detail during registration.

  • How much does insurance cost?

The cost of the insurance is different for each vehicle, as it is formed based on specific parameters such as the date of the vehicle, the taxable horsepower, the location where it is driven (licensed vehicle), the age of the owner-driver, as well as the benefits each owner wishes.

  • What if my car is damaged?

In case of damage to the car during the rental period, the driver - lessee is obliged to cover the costs of repairing the damage as indicated in Terms & Conditions. It is noted that, if the insurance policy includes the coverage of the same damages (mixed), the insurance also compensates the damage to the owner's vehicle, subtracting the exemption that exists in the contract. In case of damage for which another vehicle is to blame, the owner is normally compensated by the respective insurance company.

  • Will I face a tax problem by renting my car?

The revenue that the owner collects from WheelDot is reported as income on your tax return as you receive a receipt from your partnership with the company for the revenue earned within the year. 

  • Do I need to set up a company to rent my car?

The owner is not recommended to set up a company to lease his car to third parties through WheelDot as long as his income from this activity does not exceed the annual amount of €10,000, always following the instructions of the personal accountant - tax expert.

  • I have a car rental business. Should I change my cars insurance?

As a car rental company you are not obliged to change the car insurance as it already covers the rental option.

  • How much money can I rent my car for? Do I choose it?

The cost of renting the vehicle is determined by the owner. He can determine the price by doing a search in his area for rental prices of his car model and thus arrive at the price he wishes to list it.

  • What is the platform commission for bookings made on my car?

WheelDot is paid a percentage of 15% of the total rent of each booking.

  • What is SmartKit?

The WheelDot SmartKit is a device that is placed in the rental vehicle and allows the renter to find the nearest vehicle near his location and unlock it from his mobile phone, after completing the necessary steps to install the relevant application. See more here.

  • How much does SmartKit cost?

The purchase cost of the SmartKit is €150 once, with a monthly subscription of €24.90 and provides the owner with the possibility to receive updates, support and a dashboard with vehicle information (location, fuel level, central locking status, etc.). See more here.

  • Where do I go to install the SmartKit;

Installation is recommended to be done by a qualified WheelDot partner and its cost is calculated according to the vehicle model. It can also be done by an engineer of the owner's choice, as complete information is provided for its correct installation.

  • How will I find the car I rented?

After completing the rental, the renter receives an email with the contact details of the owner, as well as the location of the vehicle.

If the vehicle has the SmartKit then the renter can see their location from the WheelDot app, use a navigation program to find the car and unlock it through the app following the following process: Accept terms, complete rental, sign driver-owner contract, uploading photos of the vehicle before using it. After completing these steps then the app allows him to unlock and use the car.

  • I can use my car if I have it registered in Wheeldot;

Of course! You can use your car exactly as you used it before it was registered on WheelDot. You can also choose which days you don't want it to be available for rent.

  • Where should I have my car to hand it over to the renter?

You can have your car wherever you want, as long as you update your listing so that after the rental is completed, the correct information is communicated to the renter. If the car has installed SmartKit then its parking location is automatically updated.

  • How much gas should a car have before someone rents it?

The recommended pre-rental fuel level is at 100% and the renter is required to return the vehicle at the same fuel level. To ensure that both parties comply with the terms, they are obliged to photograph the car and the fuel level before and after renting it.

  • Can the tenant travel abroad?

The use of vehicles outside of Greece is prohibited.

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