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Extra income on every booking!

Put it up for rent and earn up to

in 21 Days of rental with an estimated price of €45

Net Profit

Net profit from your vehicle bookings as WheelDot handles the documentation.

Immediate Payment

Your money goes directly to your account as long as you have Stripe or PayPal payment enabled.

15% Supply

WheelDot keeps a commission on your bookings 15% from the total booking for the provision of the services.

Free registration

Registering and simply listing on WheelDot is free. Packages that include the SmartKit have an extra charge.

Car rental from individuals and professionals!

Wheeldot expands car rental availability beyond major cities, allowing guests to find vehicles in various locations across Greece, including smaller towns and rural areas.

By renting from private owners, guests can have a more authentic and local experience, as the owners can provide advice and recommendations about the area they are visiting.

With the variety of vehicles offered by private owners, guests can often find more competitive rental rates compared to traditional rental companies.
